General Terms and Conditions «Reutlinger Kärtle»

Terms and conditions for the «Reutlinger Kärtle» voucher cards

The following terms and conditions apply both to the digital voucher cards issued by StaRT Stadtmarketing und Tourismus Reutlingen GmbH, Albtorplatz 3 | 72764 Reutlingen | 07121 93935300 ("issuer"), as well as the paper vouchers issued by the issuer in the past as Reutlingen vouchers ("paper vouchers").

1. The card can be purchased at participating points of sale. The participating points of sale can be viewed online at When selling a card, the respective point of sale acts on behalf of and in the name of the issuer.

2. The card and the paper voucher can be used to pay for goods and services in euros in the shops of the participating companies ("points of acceptance"). The points of acceptance can be viewed online at

3. The issuer reserves the right to change the list of acceptance points at any time. The cardholder is not entitled to use the card for payment at a specific establishment.

4. It is not possible to withdraw the credit on the card and/or paper voucher (not even if there is a remaining balance).

5. If old Reutlingen vouchers are still available in paper form, they can only be redeemed at those points of acceptance where this is expressly noted; this can be found online at It is no longer possible to redeem paper vouchers after 31st December 2026.

6. The card can only be topped up to a maximum amount of €250. The minimum top-up amount is €5. The card cannot be topped up again. 

7. The available credit on the card can be checked at the terminal of the respective acceptance point or online at

8. The issuer accepts no liability for loss, theft, damage, illegibility, or unauthorised use of the card. It is not possible to block the card. 

9. Objections and other complaints by the cardholder arising from the contractual relationship with the acceptance point where the card was used for payment must be made directly to this acceptance point.

10. The card and the paper voucher are not personalised and are therefore transferable. 

11. The card is valid for three years from the end of the year of purchase. After that, the credit will expire. Information on the validity of the card or the credit balance (e.g. on receipts from points of acceptance) that does not align with the above sentences is not valid. 

12. These conditions are subject to German law. 

Last updated on: 18th December 2023